Thank you so much for coming. We greatly enjoyed having you. Everyone was impressed by your enthusiasm and passion for what you do. Speaking more to the staff this morning some common themes were that they liked the ideas of using toning, using the body’s energy from the hands, and the idea of addressing chronic pain from the subconscious. There has been a lot of research in the medical field on pain science and how the brain controls the perception of pain. We discuss this frequently at the office and your presentation coincides with much of what we know in this field. I think it would be great if you would be able to come back and perform an induction. Thank you again for taking the time to speak with us.
Have a great day,
Andrea Minsky, PT, DPT, OCS
Advanced Clinician
Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist
USA Triathlon Level 1 Certified Coach
Integrative Care Center
Hospital for Special Surgery
Phone: (212) 224-7900
Fax: (212) 755-5634

Mr. Gonzalez presented an informative and interesting overview of “Hypnotherapy”. He was good enough to give the presentation to all three of my Introductory Psychology classes. Mr. Gonzalez’s discussion on the various aspects of hypnotherapy was a stark contrast to the empirically supported and evidenced based treatments students were exposed to in the class prior to Mr. Gonzalez’s visit. Students were very receptive and inquisitive regarding the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. Many students stated that they would try hypnotherapy if given the chance. Hypnosis is always a curious topic for students and Mr. Gonzalez gave the students the exact kinds of information the students wanted to know.
Leroy Porter
M.S, Clinical Psychology
Adjunct Lecturer
Borough of Manhattan Community College

Ralph is very good at what he does. I used to see hypnotists back in California, but I remember the quality of the results being uneven. Ralph gave me solid tools to deal with some extremely upsetting situations over the past 7 months. I have found Ralph to be an empathic, perceptive practitioner with consistently strong instincts. Not only that, he’s an easygoing and genuinely good guy who always makes me feel safe and comfortable enough to go on the hypnotic journey. I definitely wouldn’t have made it through my first year in a full-time conservatory program (it was a demanding and stressful atmosphere) were it not for the series of hypnosis sessions that I did with him.

I have nothing but positive things to say about my visits with Ralph Gonzalez. From the minute you walk in the door you feel a sense of serenity. Ralph is a warm kind-hearted person who makes you feel safe and comfortable in your surroundings. He offers insight on how to better yourself in a positive way. You can tell he truly loves helping others. His smile is contagious and you can’t help leaving him smiling and feeling good about yourself.

I have no words to thank you. You are awesome!!! Gia Luca has stopped his computer. He did it already last night!! The transformation in his personality is remarkable and quite noticeable. He is back to talking with me and much more collaborative. Before, it was like he was putting a wall. Also, he laughs more, and he looks genuinely happier and less stressed and angry.  I am amazed at how you achieved in 3 sessions what I have been striving in getting him to do in over 3 years!!!  With YOU in our lives there is enormous potential for him to use his talents and grow. I feel the same way about myself and my growth.
Please receive my deepest gratitude’s.
With BLESSINGS and appreciation!

Ralph Gonzalez has a natural friendly engaging and calming personality. He will first ask what is it is that you what to achieve and then begins to dig deep to understand the route of the problem to find what is holding you back and help you find workable solutions. He has a way of making you feel at complete ease even when you are talking about a difficult subject. Ralph always makes sure that even if the session has gone over that it ends with at least ten minutes of hypnotherapy a deep relaxation. I always find myself looking forward to my next session with Ralph.
E. Gomez

I am living proof of what Ralph has to offer and his services. After seeing several other specialists in the field, I find that Ralph is a cut above the rest. In the short period of time I’ve been seeing him for help, key changes are already starting to take effect in my life. In the few sessions we’ve had together, I can see my goals starting to manifest into a reality. No matter what your goals are, Ralph is very passionate to help you accomplish them in a number of ways, including his hypnotherapy techniques. During his sessions, you feel a sense of calm energy in a wonderful, welcoming environment he has created. Not only does he work on the subconscious mind in the hypnosis state, he also works with you on a conscious level to help you understand WHY you’re facing obstacles in your life. He’s a great guy and I highly recommend him as a hypnotherapist to anyone looking to make changes in their life.

Ralph Gonzalez has helped my husband pinpoint the underlining factors that were contributing to his insomnia and taught him ways how to overcome his issues. We are truly grateful for all the work he has done. It has been nearly eight months and he no longer suffers with insomnia. Thank you, Ralph!
Michelle and Rob

My hypnosis/therapy session with Ralph surpassed my expectations. I had done a similar session in the past, where I felt very judged. The session with Ralph, however was different. He explained things very well, in a way that validated my experiences, making me see the meaning behind them. The entire experience felt very serene and positive. Ralph seems like a person that really cares about others, and their well-being. I would recommend his services.
Arianna S.


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